Sunday, June 29, 2008


Johnny preached from the Revelation today. He's doing a series simply titled, "Seven," about the 7 letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Today was #1, Ephesus. In the letter to the church at Ephesus, Jesus commended the believers about what they were getting right. Then He added, however, that He one thing against them -- they left their first love. Johnny went on to preach about the believers losing their passion for Christ. It's easy to go through the motions at times, not really passionately pursuing, but just doing. One of the VBS songs had a phrase that said, "Let my actions match my passion..." The teachers taught them some really cute motions and I really thought they were adorable singing it (the kids, not the teachers!!).

Let my actions match my passion...

I can get so sidetracked by laundry, cooking & cleaning, taking kids here and there, even preparing to teach my Life Group -- which, BTW, I love. It's just that studying to teach cannot be me practicing my passionate pursuit of God.

What are you really passionate about? How do your actions match that passion?

Just wondering.



Anonymous said...

While I too have a tendency to get caught up in the mundane and minute details of every day life from time to time, I have learned that sometimes God wants us to say "No" to even some good things people want us to do if it's just not our passion. If I can't do it joyfully, as to the Saviour, then I've learned to say, "No, I don't think so," when asked. And guess what? The world has not stopped moving, the activity went on without me, and someone else did whatever needed to be done, and I wasn't stressed out about it!
One thing I am passionate about that I try desperately to have my actions match is my love and empathy for pregnant women and their unborn babies. That is why I do my volunteer counseling at Arlington Pregnancy Center. God has given me a real love and empathy for these women, and most of the time I feel like they feel that after talking with me. Needless to say, they don't all get saved that day; as a matter of fact in the 2 years I've volunteered, I've never had a woman accept Christ right then at that visit. Also needless to say, I know for a fact that every woman I counseled did not choose to give her baby life. But I know I planted a seed, and I know I'm doing what Christ has called me to do, and the rest is up to Him. It's still hard sometimes, especially when the woman leaves still determined to end her baby's life, but I have learned to give it to God and let him take care of the rest.
Trusting Him,

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Hi, 1st time here. Love Revelation. Nice to "meet" you!