Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Countdown - 17 days

Really, the title of this blog should be "What influences you?" but I just cannot get away from the countdown...

So, this is what I want to know -- what in the media influences you? Whether it's the BOGO commercial that compels you to buy one so you can get one 1/2 off, the grocery store ads with the specials of the week, or something else, I want to know. Also, what Internet sites do you frequent, what magazines do you buy, what TV shows do you watch?

For instance, I read Rachel Ray's magazine and that does, I must say, influence my grocery shopping and dinner menu. What about you??

(This really is for a purpose so please, please leave a comment!!)

Thanks for your help!


UPDATED QUESTION - Thanks so much for all your replies! I obviously had shopping on the brain (BOGO & grocery store ads??) when I typed this original post but after reading my daughter's comment I want to revise the question and STILL need your replies - What in the culture influences you? (I just might add that I did BOGO the day my Jot died. My friends M & D said I should. It only supplied a momentary relief to my sorrow but I do have 2 pair of cute summer shoes!!)


mary said...

Kohl's coupons and specials influence my spending. For instance, I can go to Kohl's on Wednesday, buy a set of dishes for half off, use my $10 dollar coupon, and if the total is still over $50 I will get another $10 dollar coupon. In two weeks I will probably get a 30 percent off coupon if I use my credit card. In other words I am spending more money to save money.

Anonymous said...

On a serious note, the media influences me in a negative way at times, but reminds me to take a stand for godly truths and to remember that HE will have the final say in this world.
The commercials make me hungry and some make me laugh. Most TV ads and magazine ads tend to send me searching for the sales whether I need these items or not. Ha-Ha.
I don't normally watch TV shows but since I've been staying in another home I've been watching George Lopez lately (funny).
I frequent job sites on the internet since I'm in the market for a job. I also watch FBCOrlando each week.
I hope this is helpful for the lesson. See you Sunday. In his Love, LuAnne

Anonymous said...

Kroger card = $.10/gal. gas discount after $100 purchase monthly. Commercials don't influence our buying. EBay steers me to new clothing, small appliance savings while Craigs List had fabulous local furniture buy (and the former tiger cage). Quixtar has environmentally safe detergent I've used for 40 yrs (f/k/a Amway). National Home Gardening Club website and magazine teach best plants, methods, etc. ArabianHorses.org supplies livestock info. Texas Sale Barn features ranch/farm items. XTOEnergy indicates whether a nickel or a dime goes in gas well pot this month. Dayspring's free ecards are nice for special occasions; FocusontheFamily has a variety of Christian materials; InTouch refreshes with Charles Stanley's Bible comments. JerusalemPost supplies daily news from Israel. The Economist and National Review are magazines I skim. British comedy is my kinda' humor on PBS.
What'd we do before Internet?

Anonymous said...

I thought I was easily influenced then thought maybe not, but after reading the first three comments...yep, I'm easily influenced. I never thought about the .03 cents off gas or the grocery ads where they have peanut butter 2/$1 and then with a doubled .50 cent coupon you get it for free!!! But yes, I get roped into that. Something else that occured to me was watching Oprah, which I've almost altogether stopped watching. A good info-mercial will stop me in my tracks -the good news is that it's been a long time since I bought something off the tv, only because more than likely I'll use what I've purchased a few times and then store it somewhere. Hope this helps! BTW - anyone in need of a gently used Urban Rebounder trampoline? LOL! Priscilla

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm with Mary. I'm always looking for a Kohl's sale and ad. I'll meet you there Mary, it is great, I just hate to go without my coupon in hand! Something else that will influence me are the email ads when I take the time to read them. I'm always looking at the grocery ads to see what I need and where it is on sale. I don't think I am influenced too much by tv ads as I don't spend that much time watching tv, but I do enjoy a good detective show or CSI. Have a great week and blessings to all. Karen

Anonymous said...

Tom Thumb's .10 off gas for $50 purchase influences me to go buy just enough there to get my discount. I also have a Star-Telegram press pass, so when I see ads in the paper or they send me a link on-line, I'm more likely to spend money at those places. Web-sites I visit frequently are Mavs and Rangers, Jowiki.com, and the Holman's, Murrell's and Pwood's websites. I'm also addicted to jigzone's puzzle of the day!

Anonymous said...

Since I don't watch a lot of TV, what few commercials I see sometimes irrate me and others make me laugh but they don't really influence me. If I'm watching TV it's normally sports, FoodNetwork or HGTV, I occasionally get to watch House or Monk. I'll keep an eye out for a sale if we're in the market for whatever. I only use coupons if it's something we like or use. I also shop at Krogers for the 10 cents off on gas. Internet sites I frequent are "Abound in Hope" (great writer, you should check her out!), FoodNetwork & sometimes HGTV but I don't surf the net much. I'm usually in there for a purpose and then get out. I don't buy magazines except for "Country Cook". But whether it's something I purposely watch or not there are always the radio ads, billboards, etc. that bombards everyone so I'm sure I'm influenced because I don't know anyone that's not in some form or fashion. ..TH

Anonymous said...

well obviously with age comes wisdom in most cases...except mine haha. my generation is one absorbed in the media so here are a couple of things that me ( the anti-conformist) enjoys about pop culture (or what very little i do enjoy) I love movies. So i like movie previews. I love the show LOST (obviously). I dig facebook. And finally. Amy Poehler from the infamous Saturday Night Live CRACKS ME UP !!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If ossible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aparelho de DVD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://aparelho-dvd.blogspot.com. A hug.

Michelle Canton said...

1. The appearance of success. (I know I'm shallow)
2. Anything that sounds smart.(That would include saving money)
3. People who have an opinion that holds up to critical thinking. (I like talk radio)

Julie said...

I find the older I get, kindness influences me more and more. Just be nice and you can get me to do whatever you want! I do alot of shopping for stuff, but I have too much of it. Except for shoes, I am afraid I am right there with ya girl. I am loyal, and loyalty influences me. If I am aware someone is unfair in their practices, I will not shop there. I am not influenced by people with money, in fact, I distain that kind of favoritism. I will help you even if you can never return the favor, I think that was God's idea first. Love your neighbor as yourself, even if you don't like 'em. Be loyal & kind... it will get you everywhere with me! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am influenced by honesty, integrity, strong work ethic, and sincerity (in a day when it is not abundant in our culture), by genuineness in a Christian whose walk is real and life is inspiring, by conscientious, hard work success stories, by warm, enthusiastic personalities, and by those who don't take themselves to seriously. My compassion is strong and has feet and hands for those who suffer illness or handicaps (especially but not limited to children). Like others though, I admit my head is turned by funny commercials, coupons, discounts, & great sales. I don't have much time for TV, but love Food Network & HGTV. Favorite websites are: Living Proof Ministries (Beth Moore), the Holmans in Bolivia, Caring Bridge, Food Network, David Jeremiah, & Crossings (Christian book site/I am an avid reader). Newspapers do not influence me to a large degree; I don't believe every thing I read. Daily emails from "Purpose Driven Life" are encouragements to start my days as well as a couple of other Scripture sites.