Monday, April 28, 2008

The Countdown - 11 days

Today was my next to last day at seminary. I also completed 2 of my four classes today as we are not having a final nor are we meeting for class during final's week next week. We even got out a little early in both of those classes today. I walked over to the bookstore to get my "blue book" (you know, the little booklet with the blue cover that's just empty pages) for my NT final next week. From the bookstore to my OT class I walked beside the library. It was an almost perfect weather day in Texas. Walking under the big trees that shade the sidewalk it was almost cool. I have been feeling nothing but excited anticipation for weeks but today, I must admit, I was a bit sad. I think I will miss being there. I have loved sitting and listening to really smart men and women as they teach God's Word and practical aspects of ministry. I have been inspired by my classmates that are way younger than me but are passionate are about people, ministry, and the Lord. I will even miss the discipline of studying and preparing. (yikes, did I really just type that?)

I am looking forward to what's ahead. I don't really know what it is, exactly, and the not-knowing if frightening. However, I have such a sense of anticipation that's a good and comforting feeling. I am comforted because I know that God knows and even though I don't know, it's ok. In fact, it's probably better this way.

Serving the King,


1 comment:

Michelle Canton said...

How about this for today's message on "My Utmost For His Highest"? I just had to share it with you since it addresses your last sentence in your blog today. I am so excited for you and cannot wait to see God's plan worked out in you!

April 29, 2008
Gracious Uncertainty
. . . it has not yet been revealed what we shall be . . . —1 John 3:2

Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life— gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises. When we become simply a promoter or a defender of a particular belief, something within us dies. That is not believing God — it is only believing our belief about Him.