Friday, June 11, 2010

In Need of a Vacation

Here it is, summer has not officially started (according to the calendar, not North Texas weather) and I'm already ready for a vacation.  I think some over zealous parents at the summer basketball league about sent me over the edge.  Good grief, you would've thought we were playing for the national championship or something.  Get a grip, people, and relax a little. 

So, the delivery men are here with my new washer and dryer.  My washer died a few days ago and so I decided to get a new one instead of repairing the old one.  I wanted a front loader and so then decided to get a matching dryer.  They're red.  Yes, my husband got a Harley and I got red, matching washer & dryer.  I haven't been able to do laundry this whole week and I have not missed it one bit.  I think when I see the mounds of dirty clothes that have most assuredly piled up upstairs that I might be a bit sorry I didn't make a trip to the laundromat this week.  Come to think of it, I don't even know where one is located in Mansfield. 

And, if you are still reading and are wondering what the point of this post might be, well, there is none.  As is always the case, there is constant activity going on at this house.  Really, I could hardly get through typing this blog post because of the constant interruptions.  (Now you know why I've hardly been around lately.)  I decided I am absolutely not going to be able to work on my writing assignment from my home office this summer so will be at my AIM office more than usual.  With my door closed.  And my iPod on. 

Reporting shortly from vacation,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's June! Surely June is summer?!