Thursday, September 4, 2008

Working from home

I am working from home today for 2 reasons: #1 - I don't have internet at my office yet. I don't have windows either. Not the computer program, but real-live, look at the outdoors, windows. It's almost too much. There's nothing at all in my office but a table, a chair, and an empty filing cabinet. I'm not sure I can work that way. Maybe I should look at the positive side -- no distractions. (ok, I guess windows aren't alive, are they? ) #2 - I am expecting my son to come by. I am working at home, waiting for my son to come by and DROP OFF HIS LAUNDRY. How many times did I complain about the dirty clothes littered all over his bedroom floor or his lateness in bringing the clothes downstairs so I could wash them (I will NOT go upstairs for their dirty clothes but will gladly -- cough, cough -- wash clothes that are brought downstairs) or clean, folded clothes all piled up on the dining room table because he could walk by them 5 thousand times, pretending not to see & not carrying them upstairs? Countless times, I am sure. And now, here I am, working in my home office with the curtains open (to the sight of my overgrown bushes blowing in the gentle breeze, not looking at bare walls) watching for his truck to drive up and pull into the driveway. I've missed that sight. I know, I know, I just saw him on Monday at the lake. Yet, here I am...wondering where he is...because I don't have anything better to do than wash clothes...

People, he's only been gone 2 weeks! Two weeks! A lot has changed in 2 weeks.

I'm rambling so I will go.

Serving the King,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, now! You need to get really busy with that new job and LET THE BOY DO HIS OWN LAUNDRY!!! Someday his wife will appreciate you! My kids started doing their own when they were in the 8th, 6th, and 4th grades!!
Have fun this weekend!
In Him,