Friday, August 22, 2008

Let Him Who Boasts, Boast in the Lord

Ok, ok, I've totally taken a portion of Scripture out of context (1 Cor. 1:31) but hang with me for just a second...

In my previous post, I was boasting about my dry eyes at the big college move-in. If you don't know, I cry at EVERYTHING. Anything can bring a tear to my eyes. And, I have cried a bazillion tears already about the transition in our family with Josh moving out to college. For me, not to cry as we said our final goodbye before we left our boy at college was huge. But, apparently, had nothing to do with me really. Since Monday I have received emails, text messages, and facebook notes on my wall and inbox of people (dear sisters in Christ) who have been and are praying for me. I am blown away and grateful. Grateful to all who have prayed and grateful to God for caring about all the details of our lives. (Thank You, Lord. You are so good!)

Now, if you all will just keep praying and while you're at it, would you pray that Josh will get up out of that dorm bed every single day for his 8:00 classes. That will be near miraculous!

Serving the King,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! That is cute! It was so neat to see him all grown up and in college mode yesterday. It was so funny because I called his cell when I got on campus.... I asked what he was doing and in a very college like tone with tons of coolness in his voice he said,"just chillin in the education center". :) I introduced him to my brother and showed him where my mom was on campus. I then asked him how it was going and he said, "pretty good... I feel like I'm at youth camp and I'll be going home next week and everything will be back to normal." That is when I almost started to cry. I could tell even though he is a tough guy he was missing home just a bit! :) My brother is going to call him and see if he'd like to sit with him and his buddies during chapel. I know he will love it there and he just might surprise you with those
8am classes!! Just think you will be a pro when the time comes for Jacob to start college.