Monday, July 20, 2009

Psalm of the Week

Maybe I should've titled this "Psalm of the Month" since I've been such a delinquent blogger this summer. I think we've been gone as much as we've been home this summer. In case you've forgotten since it's been so long or you're new to the blog, here's what's up. I pick a psalm and write a few thoughts about it. Then, you read the psalm and write some comments. COMMENTS ARE REQUESTED! So, here goes. The Psalm of the Week/Month is Psalm 19.

The first verse reminds me of Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (NASB) I am a lover of the outdoors and nature. I am awed when I see and think about all the different colors and shapes of plants and flowers. I went to an aquarium earlier this year and was amazed by the fish. I literally had this thought - you know when kids are told to draw and color a picture of something, like a fish, how many crazy colors and designs they will come up with? That's what it was like looking at the fish. God is the ultimate Artist. God reveals Himself through creation.

God is also revealed through His written Word, the Bible. The psalmist, David, then gives several descriptive words and causes for God's Word. While we can look at nature and be in awe at the Creator God, the Scriptures tell us about a personal, infinite, powerful, instructing, all-knowing God, full of compassion and judgment. His Word was given to us that we might know Him. That we might know about Him so that we might know Him more.

Verses 11-13 are about sin, keeping from it, how following God's Word helps us in that regard. Then the psalmist ended with a familiar verse, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." Let not only what I say but what's in the secret places of my heart be acceptable to God. In that hidden place that we think nobody knows... My rock and Redeemer. The King James Version uses this phrasing, "my strength and Redeemer."

Ok, here's a question for ya: What does it mean to you that God is your rock and Redeemer?

Anxiously awaiting your reply...

Serving the King,


1 comment:

Julee said...

My Rock and my Redeemer, what a comfort! I am grateful that in the hustle and bustle of life, I have the Lord to talk to and to hand my concerns to Him. We just finished our trek across Texas and many times through out our visits I felt my self getting worrisome and disheartened but what a blessing it is to have a Redeemer like He who can be a true comfort. I caught myself several times singing the song...My God is mighty to Save, He is mighty to save! Love it!
