Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Killin' Time

I'm just sitting here waiting for the glass man to show up to replace my window so I thought I'd stop by. Again... 2 days in a row... What's the world coming to? I can't really get too involved in anything else because, duh, I'm waiting for the glass man and as soon as he leaves I'm meeting a friend for coffee. In fact, I hope he hurries cuz I don't want to miss my coffee date! I've already been thinking about what I'll order. Anyway, I'm having the very same window replaced that I had replaced about a year ago. It's the same window that Johnny feel into when he was painting the inside of our house while I was gone to Burma last year. The same window, broken again.

We had horrible storms here in North Texas last night. I am thankful that we are all safe and all I have to deal with was my chairs out back were blown over. Just north and east of us (here in the Dallas area) there was some damage and some real devastation up in Oklahoma. Jessica had a basketball game last night up in North Arlington and, since it was the last home game, Josh came over and my parents drove up from Waco. After the game my parents left because of the threat of bad weather but since Josh came over and missed dinner at the dorm I wanted to take the kids out of eat. I heard about the weather but I could see the moon -- the sky looked clear -- when I came out of the game and I thought maybe it passed by. We ate and came out and it was just starting to sprinkle. THEN it all broke loose. High wind, hail, pouring down rain. It was awful, scary. Jessica's truck was at the school but there wasn't any way I was letting her drive home in those conditions. You know, she's had her license all of 6 weeks and is experienced BUT I thought her truck would be ok at school overnight. She did make fun of me, however, because she said I was driving 40 down the highway. I don't think I was...50 maybe.

Ok, the glass man is here and almost done....I'm getting ready for the coffee!!

Serving the King,


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