Friday, April 6, 2007

Meaning and Purpose

I'm sitting here, at my computer, while 3 6th grade boys play video games upstairs. It's cold outside, although it's Good Friday and after the first day of Spring. Johnny is gone to pick up our daughter and a friend from Six Flags and Josh is out -- hanging out, as he likes to say. On tv is a show on what life would have been like for a young Jewish boy in the time of Jesus. It's on National Geographic so it's not biblically based, although they have quoted the Bible. So far they haven't said anything too shocking -- Jesus wasn't an only child, Joseph may not have been a carpenter...

I've been reading 2 Timothy lately. As I watched the end of the show before this one (about Mary Magdalene) I was thinking about chapter 4, verses 3 & 4, "...will not endure sound doctrine...have their ears tickled...teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth..."

There are essentials of the faith that we cannot move away from, but how many are really doctrines that are essential and how many are our own beliefs that we will not let go of or budge on? We is ambiguous, I know, and I'm not sure to whom I am referring. Why can't we have discussion without it becoming arguing or fighting? Why cannot some feel the freedom to express their views without fear of the debate escalating beyond civility? Why cannot we honor one another and respect the right to disagree...not on essentials but on other issues?

Perhaps I am heading in two different directions with this post. My heart, however, is heavy from something that happened this weekend. The tv shows on tonight have some amount of Scriptural truth and some out right heresy. My heart ache has nothing to do with heresy, but with differences of opinion.

I really believe that the meaning and purpose of life are found in the pages and words of the Holy Text of Scripture. The book that is God-breathed is able to breathe new life into my existence every single day. There's not a word written or captured by accident and the Bible has been preserved just the way it was intended. It is God's Word to me and it speaks to my daily life and situations in real and applicable ways. It's real to me and has caught my attention and I am devoted to follow, I am compelled to live as closely to its teaching as I can -- knowing I will fail and fall. Let me, in my feeble attempts, not sit in judgment of those that do not believe exactly as I do. Judgment is not for me, it's not my place.

Ok, the somber mood is over...the two teenage girls just got home & had to tell me all about the Reliant K concert and everything else they have done over the last 30 hours since I last saw them. It's all good & reminds me that my job is to keep teaching & passing on truth, keep praying about the things that I cannot control & keep being a light when I have opportunity.

Running with endurance the race, eyes focused intently on Jesus,

Hebrews 12:1&2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got really deep on this post. Passion to have others see the world from our own worldview is well placed. I would not want to be around someone who did not passionately hold to their view...whatever it may be. So passion is good, but you are right we should be able to disagree. St. Augustine is tributed with the quote, "In the essentials unity, in the non-essentials liberty, but in all things love". We should be able to disagree in a manner worthy of our savior. As long as we agree on the essentials of the faith.