Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meditations on Running, entry #7

Run length - 2 1/2ish
Song that got me home - Came to My Rescue, Hillsong
Verse of the morning - The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Sometimes how themes go together in my life cracks me up. Take today, for instance. I decided to shake my running plan up today by doing what  my running book calls fartlek. (Will you wonder if I'm thinking like a junior high boy if I suggest you say that word out loud?) According to the book, the word is Swedish for "speed play" and it's simply mixing up easy running and running fast. Actually, you are to pick an object in the distance and run to it fast and then return back to an easy pace and do that repeatedly. My plan was to do my fast running in quarters. However, because I was giving all I had, the distance was closer to a tenth. Sad, I know. And I was having some foot pain this morning - which gives me a little anxiety because I had to give up running last year because of those darned feet. Today was not the first time my plan didn't turn out the way I had hoped.

This season of my life is sort of like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm in a really good place. I'm not complaining, it's just that this particular season is not what I anticipated. It isn't my plan or how I would have written the script. Would you at all agree that sometimes our plans don't equal the direction God has for us? How do you deal with those times? Last night after Johnny had been at Fish, Football, & Freebies, and the game was over (go, Cowboys!) I made a comment to Johnny about this particular subject. I was super tired, it was late, and, frankly, I didn't like what he had to say so I abruptly ended the conversation. That was uncool, I know, especially because Johnny is a fixer. All in all, I want God to direct my steps even when they don't lead where I think they should be going. And, in the process, I truly want to know Him more. I want that object in the distance to be the one that He put there for me - whether I'm going fast or slow (or painfully slow like it seems some things to).

All I can add is be flexible and be open to the direction God is leading your steps.

Serving the King
  and running with purpose,


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