Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meditations on Running, entry #2

Run length - easy 2 miles
Song that got me home - Always, Kristian Stanfield
Verse of the morning - I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King. Isaiah 43:15

Normally, after long run day is rest day. But, since my schedule is off this week, I went for an easy 2 mile run. I have a route in my neighborhood and I like to take my dog out once or twice a week. She's great for 2 miles but if I try to go past that she rebels. I can remember not too long ago that I couldn't even run 1 mile, much less 2, so I'm not taking it for granted that it was an easy 2 mile run.

My verse for the morning has special significance for me for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons is that, usually, my favorite attribute, characteristic, or perfection (as Charles Ryrie calls it) of God is Creator. I absolutely enjoy His creation. That's one reason I run. I cancelled my gym membership because I prefer to be outside. I don't enjoy running on a treadmill at all. I like to look around and notice the different colors of green - or, right now, all the shades of yellow as the grass and leaves are dying from the summer heat and lack of rain. I enjoy noticing the different shapes of leaves or seeing different types of birds and insects. I am amazed at the creativeness it took to creator so many different things.

I like to think about creation worshipping the Creator. Today, the grasshoppers on one particular part of my route were jumping out in front of me. The dragonflies were flapping their wings. Ok, before you think I'm wacky, check out this verse - "For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands," Isaiah 55:12. I remember so clearly the first time I noticed the trees clapping. We were in Colorado driving up in the mountains with the windows down, enjoying the cool mountain air. The sides of the road were lined with Aspens and, as the breeze was blowing, it looked just like the leaves were clapping.

I would love for you to see Isaiah 55:12 in context. Would you look it up but start reading in about...well, why not read the entire chapter. It's only 13 verses long. My Bible titles the chapter The invitation of salvation and it's about God's promises. I hope you'll read it and be blessed by it today!

iRun with Purpose,


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