Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Years' Resolutions and Goals

I did something at the beginning of this year that I've never done before. Oh, it's just a little thing but today's the day that I was reminded of it. At the beginning of this year I had a particular statement on my mind that I really wanted to stick with me through this year. As I contemplated how I would really use it to make a difference in my life, I found a tool on our email where I could set a monthly reminder for myself. I know you techno-savvy people are rolling your eyes about now but I'm just not that bright. Anyway, this morning I got an email from "Yahoo! Reminders" that simply contained that one statement that's mine for the year. It's what I hope to do, what I desire to be about. Because, truth is, life is stinking busy. I run to those necessary things that are on my agenda and sometimes forget what's really important.

A couple of weeks ago in our Life Group our lesson was from Acts 15, the all-important Jerusalem Council. One verse kinda tucked into the story has really stuck with me. Paul and Barnabas had been out on their first missionary journey and returned to their home church in Antioch. Because of some disagreements (without going into it because it is not the purpose of this post but you can check it out for yourself in Acts 15) Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem to the council meeting. Scripture records that as Paul and Barnabas were on their way to Jerusalem they passed through various regions and they were sharing good news and joy as they went.

Here's the message I got - sometimes I am so focused on the destination that I forget that there's ministry along the way. There are hurting people along the way. There are needs to be met along the way.

Johnny is more spontaneous than I am. I like to know where I'm going. Oh, I can be just fine without an agenda for each day and without a list of things to do to be checked off. The problem is, it seems, that most days my agenda is made for me. There are so many things that must be done. So, then, I am so focused on the must-be-dones that I am not open to spontaneity. If you have a need I'm sorry. It's not on the agenda.

But, that's completely in contrast to my statement for the year that came to me in a reminder from Yahoo! this morning.

Just like God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) it's not too late for me to have a new start. It's a brand new month and a great time to be reminded of who I want to be and what I hope to accomplish. Even if I failed miserably the entire month of January (I'm not necessarily saying I did but if so) then I'm making a commitment anew.

So, here goes. I'm getting back on track.

Blessings to ya,


1 comment:

Jeff said...

I can totally relate to what your saying about your day being made up of things you have to do and not realizing there is ministry along the way. I'm like that also.