Monday, November 16, 2009

50 Days of Fusion

I'm typing the homework for day 50 of our study of Matthew. Wow, Johnny and I have written 50 days of homework. It seems amazing to me. Since 50 is a monumental achievement -- you know, 50 years of marriage is the golden anniversary, etc -- the lesson starts by asking the participant to write what God is teaching him/her at this specific season of life. Hopefully, it will be something He is teaching each person through their personal time of study of His Word. Not some commentary that Johnny or I have typed, not something that we've taught or our people have heard another preacher/teacher say, but something that God is teaching individually, specifically. I hope I get to hear what some of my girls write down.

As I pondered that and wondered what God is teachimg me individually, specifically through the absolute privilege of working through the book of Matthew with my man I wondered if I would be brave enough to share with my girls the answer. Do I even really know for sure or am I too focused on the task to be focused on Him? (ouch!)

That statement has probably been true on some days. Did you see that I wrote that we have written 50 days of homework from the book of Matthew? And, we're only on chapter 13, for goodness sakes! It has been a time-consuming venture.

And, yet, I think the one thing that has been completely true and a growing truth in my life is that I love the Word of God. I love how it speaks life to my soul and answers every question and fills every void. I do believe that with every fiber of my being.

What I don't know is available to be known. What I need is there to be given. What I long for is satisfied. I don't love His Word more than I love Him. His Word just shows me more and more about Him so the depth of relationship grows. The more I know about Him, the more I know Him.

So, my desire for the 50 days of Fusion and all the days that have yet to be typed is that it will bring honor and glory to God's great name. To Him alone belongs all the praise.

Serving the King,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've only got about 60 more days to write