Monday, October 25, 2010

History and Warning Signs

I really like history. It fascinates me and captures my attention. Sometimes it sidetracks me in my Bible study because I am looking up how whatever I am studying intersects with history and culture of the time period in which it was written. So, right now I am simultaneously reading Flyboys by James Bradley and a biogaphy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas. Where I am currently reading in each book is in the years leading up to World War II. It's really interesting to read what was going on in 2 different parts of the world and how those events intersected to become something that affected the entire world. 

I think I sat down to write this post about the amazing information that I've recently read in each book about ostracities nations committed against other nations, people committed against people. I mean, horrendous things and things that don't make sense to me. And, in many instances, there seemed to be warning signs that were ignored. There were voices crying out that danger was ahead and many times those voices were ignored. I wonder how such things could happen or how people could be so evil, so uncaring, so lost.

Then, I thought better or it. Would you want to read paragraph after paragraph of quotes from books that were interesting to me? Would you wonder where in the world my thought process was going? Would you even still be reading to this point?

I know in my own life there have been times when I've ignored warning signs or even people trying to warn me of danger ahead. I've totally missed the chance to change my direction before it was too late. Yeah, I've been there. I'm studying the Old Testament book of Judges right now and it's a time in Israel's history when they blew it over and over again. They ignored the law and the warning signs and got in trouble but then cried out to God. He sent them relief and they walked in obedience for a while and then fell back into their old pattern of behavior. Going their own way, doing their own thing, not caring, lost, even evil.

Are there any warning signs you're ignoring? Do you know what's right but simply are not choosing right? I know this is random and I don't know if anyone reading this needs it but ...STOP! (this is your warning sign)

We can learn a lot from our own personal history, those places we failed before. But, we don't have to go there again, we don't. I love it that God's mercies are new every morning. He is our strength and our refuge (check out Psalm 62) for every new day. It's a choice we make on our own - we are making our own history and our own legacy for our families and for those whose lives we impact. What if someone was writing your biography? What would you want that biography to say about you? Are you doing today what you want to be written about you? If not, then get to it.

Serving the King,


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