Our women's conference is over. Why is there a feeling of let-down? We have been praying and working and planning and anticipating and the conference was a success, but I feel ... well, I feel tired. I wrote a blog late Thursday night about feeling like Martha but wanting desperately to be Mary. (The weather was bad, the internet was acting up and I could not get it to post.) There's always a lot of work involved in a big event. I'm pretty good a delegating the big things but not so good about delegating the small. I ended up feeling like Martha...the worker, the one trying to get everything done to make her guests feel comfortable. Sometimes I don't know how to sit down and just be. Even today, with all the computer glitches, I felt like I was in constant motion. When Martha complained that her sister was not helping, Jesus answer by saying, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42) Whoa...each sister made her own choice. What we had hoped and prayed for -- for women to get a glimpse of how they could study the Bible for themselves -- seemed to be accomplished. Wouldn't that make every second of the preparation and work worth it? Though my feet are throbbing and I can hardly keep my eyes open... To Him alone be the glory...
I much prefer to be like Mary, at the feet of Jesus. For the rest of today, I think I'll choose the good part...
In service to my King,
I like the new look!
God works through ordinary people all of the time, and we as ordinary people feel as we have to do something supernatural, when He takes that responsibility all to Himself. The main thing is that we are obedient in our ordinariness ( I know I made that word up, but it sounds smart. )
Jacki -
Girl, I love you already -- I wish I had been as wise as you when I was your age...
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