Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Countdown - 19 days

Finally, a day that begins with a one!! Nineteen days until graduation. I think my class I teach on Sunday mornings will be so glad (and, perhaps the readers of my blog if there are any left after all this self-indulgence) so they can stop hearing about it!

We were having lunch with some friends today after church and the conversation at the ADULT table (not the kid/teenager table) was about video games. I had to laugh but it reminded me about my great accomplishment that I totally forgot to post on my blog -- on Thursday night Johnny and I were playing Rock Band with our sons and I got 100%, AWESOME on singing "More Than a Feeling." As I was bragging at lunch, my friend Mary leaned over and said, "You're almost ready for American Idol." Despite the fact that I am well over the age limit, I am not quite American Idol material. I don't even think David, our worship pastor, would let me up on the platform with a microphone. But, in my mind and on Rock Band I am rockin'.

Blessings to ya,



Anonymous said...

Light at the end of the tunnel! I am so happy for you! It will be here before you know it...then the hard work starts... :) TH

Susanne said...

You go girl!! (on graduation, and your "RockStar" accomplishment!) ;-)

Never played RockStar, but have totally rocked out w/ some Guitar Hero! So I think I know the feeling...

Found you from the Married to the Ministry blog roll. My husband and I are church planters in SC. So nice to "meet" you.

Have a great day!