Really, the title of this blog should be "What influences you?" but I just cannot get away from the countdown...
So, this is what I want to know -- what in the
media influences you? Whether it's the BOGO commercial that compels you to buy one so you can get one 1/2 off, the grocery store ads with the specials of the week, or something else, I want to know. Also, what Internet sites do you frequent, what magazines do you buy, what TV shows do you watch?
For instance, I read Rachel Ray's magazine and that does, I must say, influence my grocery shopping and dinner menu. What about you??
(This really is for a purpose so please, please leave a comment!!)
Thanks for your help!
UPDATED QUESTION - Thanks so much for all your replies! I obviously had shopping on the brain (BOGO & grocery store ads??) when I typed this original post but after reading my daughter's comment I want to revise the question and STILL need your replies - What in the
culture influences you? (I just might add that I did BOGO the day my Jot died. My friends M & D said I should. It only supplied a momentary relief to my sorrow but I do have 2 pair of cute summer shoes!!)