Sunday, May 29, 2011

Graduation #2

I found this picture of Jessica when I was going through lots and lots of old pictures for senior slide show and graduation table. It was a graduation from preschool in 1998.
And this is one of Jessica's senior pictures from this year. I could bawl my eyes out right now but I'm too darn tired. I've woken up every morning for at least 2 weeks thinking about graduation and graduation parties. It's been a lot of work, for heaven's sake. And, I would not change a thing or take away one minute of it. Maybe that one minute when... well, you don't want to read about that...

I've had a couple of good cries over the past couple of weeks, though. Man, time flies when you're having fun. Or, time flies when you are living life. Looking at old pictures and thinking about all the great things that have happened over the last 18 years of Jessica's life has been a great joy. That girl has kept us busy! She was always playing a sport. I found pictures of a little bity girl playing soccer and baseball. Even in high school she has played volleyball, golf, and ran track. Not every year except for basketball. That's the one she really loves - basketball. She has been involved in so many activities including this year being President of the Student Council, co-mascot & pep rally co-host, and co-commentator of the weekly update. I am not sure who is going to be able to fill Jess & Chris's shoes after this year!

Yesterday was the big day. We had family time with presents & lunch then we went to the actual graduation. That was followed by not one, not even 2, but 3 parties. First, there was the party of our family friends, followed by Jessica & Jared's graduation party, followed by the all-night party with just some of the senior class, the graduates. I'm not sure how that last one ended up because I had to sleep. They were all gone by the time I woke up this morning. According to facebook, it was a success.

I woke up this morning in a bit of a fog. You know, when you can't really remember what day it is at first or what you are supposed to be doing that day. I had to force my mind to remember that graduation was over and there is nothing to be done for it. (except the clean-up and that can wait) I do have 2 mission trips in June that I am planning and a writing project that Johnny and I are working on. Oh, and that half-marathon I am training for and the 5k I am running in tomorrow.

Life goes on - things end and new things start. It's bittersweet. I feel incredibly blessed to have an amazing family and some great friends. Many days I feel like God is better to me than I deserve. Even in those hard, long days I know for sure that His presence is real and my hope is secure.

James, the writer of the New Testament book by that name, wrote this, "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." (James 4:14, in part) This vapor is having one great ride.

Serving the King,


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rollercoaster Days

We were within 48 hours of the high school senior registering for classes at Oklahoma Baptist University.  Choosing a college was a breeze for the oldest - the first college that sent an acceptance letter to him was it. We have been a little back and forth with Jessica. She has had a couple of friends who came home after only 1 semester of college so she doesn't want to make a mistake. Anyway, on Thursday Jessica received an email from DBU with information about a new degree plan. We were on the phone making an appointment to visit with the professor and at DBU meeting with him before the afternoon was up. As a result, Jessica is now planning to go to Dallas Baptist University and we will be the proud parents of 2 Patriots this August. Whew!

We are less than 3 weeks away from graduation and are busy making party plans, graduation plans AND planning for the summer as well. Which includes vacation plans and mission trip plans. I've been having trouble sleeping - not because I'm worried or anxious but simply because there are sooo many things going on.  On top of that, Josh is moving back home today for the summer. It's so rarely the 5 of us and just the 5 of us that I am cherishing these days.

There's too much to do today to be blogging so I'm out!

Serving the King,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How do YOU define success?

Last Sunday my Life Group (Sunday School) class lesson was from the 1st chapter of the Old Testament book of Joshua. In that chapter, God was speaking to Joshua as he took over leadership of the Hebrew people after the death of Moses. In verse 7, God encouraged the people through Joshua to be careful to do everything God said and to follow His law so that they would have success wherever they went. I made the point to my ladies that God does not define success the same way our culture does or maybe even the same way we might.

To my youngest son, success might be defined as passing the driving test. Yes, my youngest is now a licensed driver and I am out of the momma taxi business. Maybe that is a sign of success, I don't know. To my middle child, success might be finishing her senior year strong and going to the college of her choice in just a few short months. We will be packing her up and moving her to Oklahoma Baptist University in the thriving metropolis (I typed sarcastically) of Shawnee, Oklahoma, just 3 1/2 months. For my oldest, success might be sticking with a major for a solid year in college and even planning to keep the same one into next school year. Only, he's added a master's degree program but we are still trying to get him out before #3 starts college. Now, that would be success!!

How do you define success? Is it related to your career or your family, personal ambition, material possessions?

How do you think God defines success? Ahhh, now that's a good question! Then this one - where does your definition of success intersect with God's?

These are just thoughts I am pondering today. It's so beautiful outside maybe I'll just take my thoughts out there. All I know is this, if I had created this day - one of the most perfect weather days ever - I would count that a success!

Serving the King,
