We are studying the minor prophets in our ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) this quarter. Our lesson today was from the book of Habakkuk. As I studied last week to teach today, I was captivated by the book. Habakkuk was a prophet to Judah at a time of rebellion. Habakkuk cried out to God, "Why?" He obviously had been praying about the situation for a while and it seemed as though God was not answering.
Waiting on God. That's hard stuff. Things happening that you just do not like or agree with and God seems to be silent. Even harder. I went to listen to our Student Pastor last Wednesday night and he preached on Mark 3. In verse 5, God's Word says Jesus looked with anger, but he was grieved at the heart condition of the people. Our Student Pastor, Josh, said He was mad/sad. Josh recounted a time when a friend died and he was mad and sad at the same time. I can relate to mad/sad -- something is going on right now and there's no other way to describe it but to say I am mad/sad.
Why do You let things happen and the heavens seem to be silent?
God said, "Hey, Habakkuk, you're answer is coming, but you're not going to believe it." (my paraphrase, obviously, and following...)
Habakkuk responds with words about the holiness and eternalness of God. Then he says, "I know Your people of Judah have been disobedient, but the Chaldeans? The Chaldeans are way worse than we are." You see, God would allow the Chaldeans to conquer the people of Judah. Then Habakkuk says that he will stop, wait and watch until God answers. Sometimes we need to stop talking and be quiet before a Holy God. We can't hear God's answer over the sound of our own voice...
God's perspective is not ours. His timing is not ours. He has the advantage of past, present, and future. He sees all aspects equally well when we can only see our past and present. He sees the big picture.
The book of Habakkuk ends with Habakkuk's praise. God told him what he was coming and now he had to wait and watch for it to happen. It scared him. However, when it's all said and done, no matter what happens, when everything is falling apart, when there's danger of ruin or hunger or devastation...no matter what..."Yet, I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation." (Hab. 3:18,NASB) I will praise Him despite my circumstances, in the midst of my circumstances. He alone is my strength...even when I am mad/sad, when I don't understand, when I ache inside because of a circumstance I have no control over...when there's injustice and hurt and evil seems to triumph over good, when the innocent are hurt as a biproduct of other people's actions...
Yet, I will praise the God Most High and I will wait and watch for His answer in His time.
Because He's God and I'm not, I will praise Him.
In humble service to the King,
Your posting was a word of admonishment,reminder, encouragement,etc for me. Our family is embarking on new territory and it is sometimes confusing and scary. Some things in the present have even been disappointing. Thanks for pointing me to Habakkuk and reminding me to wait on the Lord especially since I cannot see the big picture.
Great post girl. I think in studying the lesson on Sunday I think I was put in check as well. I really was hit by the fact that God used the Chaldeans to bring destruction and ruin. It's not that God is evil or mean, but at that time to glorify Him and to reprimand His children He uses the unlikely.
I don't know how many times God has had to use the unlikely, or the "big guns" to humble me and get me off my pedestal, and turn back to Him.
I don't think I can honestly say I'm with Habakkuk yet. I'm more on the whine and kick and scream all the way through kinda gal.
You are God and I am not. I still have a hard time finishing that sentence.
Mary & Jacki --
Thanks for the comments...it seems like I get way more out of my time preparing to teach than I could ever get out of my mouth on Sunday morning.
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