Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Morning

I'm hopping on my blog this morning simply because it seems as though I've abandoned it. Not that anyone is reading, but I'm posting just in case. I really don't have much of anything in particular to post about but a LOT is going on.

First of all, we finished our 1st weekend of training for our new mission endeavor this past weekend. We had a great turn-out for a 5-hour training session on a cold, rainy and dreary Saturday evening. We got to skype with a pastor from Greece and a contact in London. That was cool. There was some small group discussion that was interesting - I mean, interesting to hear the responses from our people in attendance. I have more information but still feel overwhelmed by it all. I'm super excited to be going to London in April for more training. Yeah, super excited about that.

Next, Johnny and I are going to start teaching a Life Group (yikes) in a couple of weeks. We have an amazing class leader that has been enlisting a core group and making plans for people to be involved in the ministry and outreach parts of being a group. He's amazing! It's going to be a lot of fun and I've been doing one of my favorite things in prep - piling my desk up with books and reading and researching!

On a home note - Johnny and I have been doing some painting and moving furniture around and ripping off wallpaper. We've owned this house for 7 years now. (Johnny's been here for that 7 years but I didn't come until a month later.) After 7 years, some areas needed some attention and we enjoy that sort of thing. This week I'm pulling wallpaper off the walls in our master bathroom. I'm texturing and painting when I'm done with the paper removal.

Personally, I decided to do a 24-day challenge that starts with a 10-day cleanse. It's only day 2 but I'm feeling really terrific. (I mean, not hungry or like I'm missing out even though I'm not eating dairy or carbs. Well, only some complex carbs but not the yummy carbs like bread, etc.) The only downside to the whole cleanse is that I had to give up coffee for that period of time. I looked longingly at the coffee maker this morning. Yes, I'm addicted and will be having at least one cup first thing on day 11, I don't care what the instructions say.

I guess that's about it. Today was a day made for a run in the park so I'm headed out.

Serving the King,


Friday, February 3, 2012

My Heavy Heart

My heart is heavy today but I cannot fully describe how I'm feeling. I've been studying the Old Testament book of Habakkuk for the last couple of weeks and I feel like asking some of the same questions he asked:  "Why do You make me see iniquity, and cause me to look on wickedness? Yes, destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arises." (Hab. 1:3) I am so frustrated about the whole issue between Komen and Planned Parenthood. Money and liberal ideology spoke louder than compassion and the sanctity of life. And I'm sick about it.

I had a terrible night of sleep Wednesday night. I tossed and turned and had bad dreams. I don't know but I kinda think it was what I was reading right before I went to sleep. I've been in training to be a volunteer at the local pregnancy center and I had to take a test covering, among lots of other things, the development of the baby in the womb as well as abortion procedures. Our center does not offer or refer for abortions but we have to be educated in order to give women the whole truth, the real facts, about what their options are. Not only did I have to memorize procedures and what stage each could be performed, I had to write them down - describe them - in order to pass my test.

Do you know that a baby's heart starts beating around 6 weeks? I've seen it on an ultrasound that early and I've heard it. A woman has barely even had time to notice that she's pregnant and already the living being inside her that was handcrafted by God is developing.

Did you also know that Planned Parenthood made over $100 million in 2009 performing abortions? Did you know that they don't even give mammograms? (so I really don't know why Komen is giving them money anyway.) Did you also know that Planned Parenthood is trying to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers in the United States?

"The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds' feet, and makes me walk on my high places." (Habakkuk 3:19) Even when I don't understand. Even when I hurt and see injustice around me.

Serving the King,
